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422 - FDC - Lifetime of Service - £3.02
415 - Sheet - Lifetime of Service - 6 x 54p
414 - Mini Sheet - Lifetime of Service - mini SS - £3.02
382 - Sheet - Centenary Of The Accession of King George V
381 - FDC - 70th Anniversary Battle of Britain
379 - Sheet - 70th Ann. Battle of Britain
371 - Individual Mint - BIOT 2009 FUNGI - Pycnoporus sp.
370 - Individual Mint - BIOT 2009 FUNGI - Leucocoprinus sp.
364 - Individual Mint - BIOT 2009 Definitive - Sicklefin Lemon Shark
360 - Individual Mint - BIOT 2009 Definitive -Greater Frigate Bird
357 - Individual Mint - BIOT 2009 Definitive - Bay Cedar
350 - Sheet - 40th Ann. of Space Exploration
342 - Sheet - 100 Years of Naval Aviation
329 - Sheet - Seafaring & Exploration
327 - Sheet - WWF / Sea Cucumbers
326 - Individual Mint - Sea Cucumbers - Dark Green
325 - Individual Mint - Sea Cucumbers - Graeffe's
322 - FDC - 90 Years of Remembrance
320 - Sheet - 90 Years of Remembrance
313 - Sheet - 90th Anniversary RAF
294 - Individual Mint - Birdlife International
295 - Individual Mint - Birdlife International
288 - Individual Mint - 125th Anniversary of the Death of Charles Darwin
287 - Individual Mint - 125th Anniversary of the Death of Charles Darwin
282 - FDC - Diamond Wedding Anniversary
279 - Sheet - Diamond Wedding Anniversary
278 - FDC - Diamond Wedding Anniversary
268 - FDC - 80th Birthday HM Queen Elizabeth II
267 - Sheet - 80th Birthday HM The Queen
265 - Individual Mint - 80th Birthday HM The Queen - 76p
266 - Individual Mint - 80th Birthday HM The Queen - £1.10
253 - Individual Mint - RAYS - Porcupine
246 - Post Cards - Bird Post Card - Set of 12
257 - Individual Mint - Trafalgar - 200th Anniversary Part II - 26p
204 - Individual Mint - Birds - Garganey Teal
203 - Individual Mint - Birds - Pacific Golden Plover
202 - Individual Mint - Birds - Little Green Heron
201 - Individual Mint - Birds - White Tailed Tropic Bird
200 - Individual Mint - Birds - Greater Frigate
199 - Individual Mint - Birds - Masked Booby
197 - Individual Mint - Birds - Cattle Egret
173 - Sheet - 50th Anniversary of the Coronation
149 - Sheet - 10th Anniv. of Friends of Chagos
144 - Sheet - HM Queen Elizabeth / The Queen Mother
122 - Sheet - Queen Mother
121 - FDC - Queen Mother
116 - Sheet - The Stamp Show 2000
29 - Sheet - Golden Wedding
23 - Sheet - Diana, Princess of Wales